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Why do you need to learn Mandarin

Nowadays, Mandarin has become the most important international language, being adept in acquire Mandarin is indispensable for discover and explore the world. Post-graduated from USYD, Ms. Jenny, major in education and equipped with 10y teaching experience, has been invited to TSE to launch Chinese Lesson. Using Overseas Chinese Language unified textbook, starting from basic character, building Chinese phenomena, cultivating learning interest, TSE is devoted to build a second-generation immigration of being versed in Chinese culture and tradition.

What’s Covered?

Get to know main feature of Chinese grammar, Chinese grammar system of basic frame, acquire indispensable grammar knowledge, basic rules and approaches as well. Use relevant theory and knowledge to analyze, correct mistakes by your own in learning process. Start from practical using, focus on comparison, combine formation, meaning with usage in order to enhance Chinese self-learning ability and level.


当今世界,汉语业已成为最最重要的国际交流语言。熟练掌握汉语成为行走江湖、独创世界的不二法宝。 明日星开设的中文课,力邀拥有十年汉语教学经验的悉大教育学硕士研究生JENNY老师主理。采用侨办统一教材,从认字切入,营造汉语氛围,培养学习兴趣。致力于传播中华文化和中国传统给双语移民第二代。
